Updated on 2024/06/06


Faculty of Social Innovation Department of Innovation Studies Professor


  • 博士(経済学) ( 2005.3   中央大学 )

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Human geography

Educational Background

  • Chuo University    

    2002.4 - 2005.3

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    Country: Japan


Primary Subjects (Course) in charge

  • 基礎ゼミナール

  • ゼミナールⅠ

  • 地域政策論



  • 東北地方における私立高校による中小工場の成立要因に関する一考察 : 学校法人羽黒学園事業部を事例として


    機械経済研究   ( 54 )   31 - 51   2023.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  • 中堅表面処理メーカーの技術獲得と産学連携-関東化成工業と関東学院の事例- Reviewed


    産業学会研究年報   ( 38 )   165 - 181   2023.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • Revitalization of Local Industry through Promotion of Geothermal Development―A Case Study of Akita Prefecture―

    25 ( 3 )   179 - 191   2023.2

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    DOI: 10.20635/00001309

    CiNii Books

  • ものづくり産業の新たな動き—動く地域創生 Invited

    山本 匡毅

    日経研月報 = The Japan Economic Research Institute monthly report   ( 528 )   48 - 53   2022.6

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    CiNii Books

  • 周辺地域における航空機部品産業の立地に関する一考察―徐々に進むコモディティ化


    機械経済研究   52   49 - 63   2021.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

  • 周辺地域における航空機部品受注と次世代航空機への対応ー秋田県を事例としてー Reviewed


    産業学会研究年報   ( 36 )   125 - 143   2021.3

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    Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  • The Study on Expanding and The Problems of Promotion for Aviation Industry through Regional Cooperation : Focusing on Tohoku Aerospace Industry Forum Reviewed

    54   135 - 142   2020

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:日本都市学会  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books

  • 大学の地域連携と地方創生政策 : 山形県を事例として

    山本 匡毅

    人間社会研究   ( 16 )   135 - 148   2019.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:相模女子大学  

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Books

    Other Link: http://libopac.sagami-wu.ac.jp/webopac/TC10136898

  • Location Shift to Non-metropolitan Regions in the Aircraft Industry::A Case Study of Yamagata Prefecture Reviewed

    Yamamoto Masaki

    Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan   2019 ( 34 )   33 - 48   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Industrial Studies, Japan  

    <p>The purpose of this paper is to propose that the commercial aircraft industry shifts the location to non-metropolitan regions. Prior to World War II, many aircraft companies agglomerated in the Chubu, Kansai, and Tokyo metropolitan areas of Japan. However, Japanese aircraft companies and suppliers in these three metropolitan areas have begun to disperse into non-metropolitan areas. As the location behavior in the commercial aircraft industry depends on the production system, some prime manufacturers in the commercial aircraft industry, such as Boeing, have changed their way of ordering, in particular, with the production of the B787.</p><p>The aircraft industry has many factories in these three metropolitan regions of Japan. However some local municipalities have sought to attract aircraft suppliers. As a result, aircraft companies have been able to use some products from the regional production system located in Iida (Nagano Prefecture), Niigata, and Kanazawa (Ishikawa Prefecture). According to a case study of the Yamagata Prefecture, there were 27 aircraft industry companies in Yamagata Prefecture in March 2018. A number of small- and medium-sized companies entered the industry in Yamagata Prefecture after 2010.</p>

    DOI: 10.11444/sisj.2019.33

    CiNii Article

  • Manufacturing Location and Spatial Spread of Industrial Agglomeration in the Japanese Commercial Aircraft Industry::A Case Study of Chubu Region Reviewed

    Yamamoto Masaki

    Annals of the Society for Industrial Studies, Japan   2018 ( 33 )   21 - 37   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:The Society for Industrial Studies, Japan  

    <p>The purpose of this paper is to make a proposal for industrial agglomeration of the commercial aircraft industry in Chubu Region. There has been many companies taken part in that industry in Aichi prefecture and Gifu prefecture which are so-called Chubu Region in the narrow sense. We have been called it industrial agglomeration of commercial aircraft industry. However locations of the Japanese aircraft companies and the suppliers do not agglomerate in Chubu Region according my survey data. In other words, locations of the factories and the suppliers depend on types of airplanes. These locations trend to decentralization for the other regions. For example, main factories of B787 and MRJ locate in Chubu Region, but some factories of B777 and B767 locate in the other regions.</p><p>Recently, Boeing has announced a new type of Commercial Aircraft, B777X. Some companies of Japanese heavy industry participate in the production of B777X.Partly, some factories for B777X chose the location in Chubu Region. On the contrary, many factories locate in the other regions except Chubu Region. Thus Chubu Region is not absolute industrial agglomeration for the Japanese Commercial Aircraft Industry now. This fact give an impact to the research of industrial location. Because Chubu Region has been thought for industrial agglomeration for the Japanese Aircraft Industry. Therefore the most important thing is to consider if Chubu Region will keep on being Industrial agglomeration in the Japanese Commercial Aircraft Industry, or if the other region will become to industrial agglomeration in it near future.</p>

    DOI: 10.11444/sisj.2018.21

    CiNii Article

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  • 日本経済地理読本(第10版)

    小田宏信編著( Role: Joint author)

    東洋経済新報社  2024.3  ( ISBN:9784492100394

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    Total pages:x, 293, 7p   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books

  • 地域政策〈第2版〉 (ベーシック+)

    山﨑 朗, 杉浦 勝章, 山本 匡毅, 豆本 一茂, 田村 大樹, 岡部 遊志( Role: Joint author ,  第4章、第8章、第9章)

    中央経済グループパブリッシング  2022.12  ( ISBN:4502446718

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    Total pages:272   Language:Japanese

    CiNii Books


  • 脱炭素社会に向けた国内産業集積の発展戦略 -再生可能エネルギー分野への中小製造業の参入状況を中心に-

    ( Role: Joint author ,  第3章第4節)

    一般財団法人機械振興協会経済研究所  2022.3 

  • 国内航空機産業クラスターの課題と地域中小企業の役割ーケベック・モデルから学ぶことー

    山本匡毅, 下畑浩二, 北嶋守, 加藤秋人( Role: Contributor ,  第2章2.1 秋田県における事例、2.2 東北宇宙産業研究会(TAIF))

    一般財団法人機械振興協会経済研究所  2020.3 

  • 地域産業のイノベーションシステム : 集積と連携が生む都市の経済

    山崎 朗, 戸田 順一郎, 北嶋 守, 岡野 秀之, 山本 匡毅, 加藤 恵正, 谷川 徹, 石橋 毅, 根岸 裕孝, 辻田 昌弘

    学芸出版社  2019  ( ISBN:9784761526962

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    CiNii Books

  • 中小企業の外部連携活動による成長市場戦略ー航空機部品及びヘルスケア関連機器などを中心にー

    髙橋美樹, 粂野博行, 近藤信一, 高木正彦, 鍋山徹, 山本匡毅, 加藤秋人, 櫻川加津子, 北嶋守( Role: Contributor ,  第4章第3節 航空機産業における中小企業の外部連携と受注戦略)

    一般財団法人機械振興協会経済研究所  2018.3 

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