博士 (言語学) ( 2018年3月 筑波大学 )
人文・社会 / 教科教育学、初等中等教育学
人文・社会 / 外国語教育
2015年4月 - 2018年3月
ゼミナール (英語教育学・応用言語学)
Verbs’ implicit causality in coreference and coherence processing during L2 comprehension 査読
Hosoda Masaya
Frontiers in Language Sciences 4 2025年4月
Implicit causality verbs in high school English textbooks: A corpus-based study focusing on verb biases and forms 査読
Hosoda Masaya
JASELE Journal 36 145 - 160 2025年3月
How much do English textbooks present implicit causality verbs? A Corpus-based analysis of verbs from Hosoda’s (2021) study
Hosoda Masaya
Time course of verbs’ implicit causality during L2 comprehension: An extended replication of Hijikata (2021) 査読
Hosoda Masaya
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 34 97 - 112 2023年3月
Quantitative and qualitative effects of the reading goal on the monitoring of global causal coherence in L2 reading 査読
Ushiro Yuji, Hosoda Masaya, Mori Yoshinobu, Komuro Ryuya, Nishi Takeru
JACET Journal 66 115 - 133 2022年3月
Ushiro Yuji, Hosoda Masaya, Ogiso Tomoko, Sasaki Yamato, Kamimura Kozo, Komuro, Tatsuya
JACET Journal 65 125 - 142 2021年3月
How Japanese EFL readers maintain the local and global coherence of protagonist, intentionality, and causality in narratives: Evidence from eye movements 査読
Ushiro Yuji, Ogiso Tomoko, Hosoda Masaya, Nahatame Shingo, Komuro Ryuya, Nishi Takeru
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 32 65 - 80 2021年3月
Proactive use of verbs’ implicit causality bias for making predictions in Japanese EFL learners 査読
Hosoda Masaya
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 32 17 - 32 2021年3月
EFL readers' processing difficulty with understanding different situational dimensions of narrative texts: An eye-tracking study 査読
Ushiro Yuji, Hosoda Masaya, Kamimura Kozo, Ogiso Tomoko, Sasaki Yamato
JACET Journal 64 187 - 203 2020年3月
Establishing coreference in Japanese EFL students using verbs' implicit causality: A sentence completion study 査読
Hosoda Masaya
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 31 193 - 208 2020年3月
EFL readers’ understanding of protagonist, temporal, and spatial links in narrative: Evidence from eye tracking 査読
Ushiro Yuji, Ogiso Tomoko, Nahatame Shingo, Hosoda Masaya, Kamimura Kozo, Sasaki Yamato, Aoki Shigenori, Okada Ryuhei, Komuro Tatsuya
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 31 97 - 112 2020年3月
Processing explicit and implicit causal relations in L2 reading
Hosoda Masaya
Journal of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Tokyo City University 12 69 - 85 2019年3月
How EFL readers understand the protagonist, causal, and intentional links of narratives: An eye-tracking study 査読
Ushiro Yuji, Ogiso Tomoko, Hosoda Masaya, Nahatame Shingo, Kamimura Kozo, Sasaki Yamato, Kessoku Moeka, Sekine Takanori
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 30 161 - 176 2019年3月
On-line and off-line causal explanation of the expository text in L2 readers 査読
Hosoda Masaya
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 30 113 - 128 2019年3月
Causal explanation in EFL readers: Memory for causal information is necessary but not sufficient 査読
Hosoda Masaya
JACET Journal 63 85 - 103 2019年2月
Understanding Protagonist, Causal, and Intentional Links During EFL Narrative Reading 査読
USHIRO Yuji, HOSODA Masaya, NAHATAME Shingo, MORI Yoshinobu, SUZUKI Kentaro, TADA Go, OGISO Tomoko, KAMIMURA Kozo, SASAKI Yamato, MANDOKORO Rika
ARELE: Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan 29 81 - 96 2018年3月
Goal-Oriented L2 Reading Processes in Maintaining the Coherence of Narrative Comprehension 査読
USHIRO Yuji, HAMADA Akira, MORI Yoshinobu, HOSODA Masaya, TADA Go, KAMIMURA Kozo, OKAWARA Nijika
JACET Journal 62 109 - 128 2018年
Learning from expository text in L2 reading: Memory for causal relations and L2 reading proficiency 査読
Hosoda Masaya
Reading in a Foreign Language 29 245 - 263 2017年10月
Ushiro Yuji, Hosoda Masaya, Mori Yoshinobu, Tada Go, Kimura Yukino, Tanaka Natsumi, Nakagawa Hiroaki, Amagai Yuka
JACET Journal 61 ( 61 ) 89 - 107 2017年2月
The interplay of text cohesion and L2 reading proficiency in different levels of text comprehension among EFL readers 査読
細田 雅也
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 27 201 - 216 2016年3月
How do Japanese EFL readers maintain coherence in narrative memory? 査読
Ushiro Yuji, Mori Yoshinobu, Hosoda Masaya, Tanaka Natsumi, Dowse Eleanor, Tada Go, Nakagawa Hiroaki
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 27 81 - 96 2016年3月
Maintaining the coherence of situation models in EFL reading: Evidence from eye movements 査読
Ushiro Yuji, Nahatame Shingo, Hasegawa Yusuke, Kimura Yukino, Hamada Akira, Tanaka Natsumi, Hosoda Masaya, Mori Yoshinobu
JACET Journal 60 ( 60 ) 37 - 55 2016年2月
細田 雅也
EIKEN BULLETIN 27 73 - 92 2015年11月
A generalizability theory study on the assessment of task-based reading performance 査読
Ushiro Yuji, Hamada Akira, Hasegawa Yusuke, Dowse Eleanor, Tanaka Natsumi, Suzuki Kentaro, Hosoda Masaya, Mori Yoshinobu
JLTA Journal 18 92 - 114 2015年10月
Understanding expository text in EFL reading: Focusing on text explicitness, familiarity, and L2 reading proficiency 査読
Hosoda Masaya
KATE Journal 29 45 - 56 2015年3月
Causal inferences during EFL reading of expository texts: Effects of two types of familiarity and L2 reading proficiency 査読
Hosoda Masaya
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 26 205 - 220 2015年3月
Ushiro Yuji, Hamada Akira, Kimura Yukino, Nahatame Shingo, Hosoda Masaya, Kato Daiki, Watanabe Yoko
JACET Journal 59 ( 59 ) 131 - 150 2015年2月
How should a teacher give reading instructions? Implications from text relevanc 査読
Hosoda Masaya
IRICE PLAZA 24 75 - 82 2014年3月
Generating causal bridging inferences in EFL expository reading: Combining on-line and off-line processing 査読
Hosoda Masaya
Annual Review of English Language Education in Japan (ARELE) 25 239 - 254 2014年3月
Theory of learning from expository texts 査読
Hosoda Masaya
IRICE PLAZA 23 77 - 84 2013年3月
Understanding causal relations and learning from text in Japanese EFL readers
Hosoda Masaya
【博士論文】筑波大学 2017年12月
Causal inferences among Japanese EFL readers of expository texts: On-line generation and off-line representation
Hosoda Masaya
筑波大学 2014年12月
初等外国語教育 (MINERVAはじめて学ぶ教科教育)
吉田武男, 卯城祐司
ミネルヴァ書房 2018年3月 ( ISBN:4623081540 )
英語好きな子に育つ たのしいお話365: 遊んでみよう、聞いてみよう、話してみよう 体験型読み聞かせブック
小学生のための英語教育研究グループ, 子供の科学
誠文堂新光社 2016年12月 ( ISBN:4416716311 )
新TOEICテスト実力養成600問 ([テキスト])
ロス・タロック, HBK, 細田 雅也, 濱崎 潤之輔( 担当: 共著)
語研 2014年8月 ( ISBN:487615287X )
教職課程増刊 教員志望者のための基礎学力確認ノート 2014年 01月号 [雑誌]
協同出版 2013年12月