ph.D. ( 2011.9 Kyoto University )
M..A. ( 1995.6 University of Chicago )
B.A. ( 1988.3 Kyoto University )
Research Areas
Humanities & Social Sciences / Money and finance
Humanities & Social Sciences / Public economics and labor economics
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic statistics
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy
Educational Background
Kyoto University 経済学研究科
2008.4 - 2011.9
Country: Japan
Primary Subjects (Course) in charge
Unfinished business: Zombie firms among SME in Japan’s lost decades Reviewed
Yasuo Goto, Scott Wilbur
Japan and the World Economy 49 105 - 112 2019.3
Listing and financial constraints Reviewed
Kenichi Ueda, Akira Ishide, Yasuo Goto
Japan and the World Economy 49 1 - 16 2019.3
Firm-level labor demand for and macroeconomic increases in non-regular workers in Japan Reviewed
Hiroshi Teruyam, Yasuo Goto, Sebastien Lechevalier
Japan and the World Economy 48 90 - 105 2018.12
後藤康雄( Role: Sole author)
日本経済新聞出版社 2014.10