Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Economics
博士(工学) ( 1987.3 大阪大学 )
Research Areas
Others / Others / 経済物理学
Educational Background
Osaka University 基礎工学研究科 数理系
- 1987.3
Country: Japan
Primary Subjects (Course) in charge
Model of Continuous Random Cascade Processes in Financial Markets Reviewed
Jun-ichii Maskawa and Koji Kuroda
Frontiers in Physics 2020.11
Exogenous shock and multifractal random walk Reviewed
Koji Kuroda, Jun-ichi Maskawa
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 16 ( 1 ) 213 - 238 2019.6
Multiplicative random cascades with additional stochastic process in financial markets Reviewed
Jun-ichi Maskawa, Koji Kuroda
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 15 ( 2 ) 515 - 529 2018.11
Collective Behavior of Market Participants during Abrupt Stock Price Changes Reviewed
Jun-ichi Maskawa
PLoS ONE 11 ( 8 ) e0160152. 2016.8
Market-wide price co-movement around crashes in the Tokyo Stock Exchange Invited Reviewed
Jun-ichi Maskawa, Joshin Murai, Koji Kuroda
Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review 10 ( 1 ) 81 - 92 2013
Application of the Cluster Expansion to a Mathematical Model of the Long Memory Phenomenon in a Financial Market Reviewed
Koji Kuroda, Jun-ichi Maskawa, Murai Joshin
Journal of Statistical Physics 152 706 - 723 2013
Collective Behavior of Stock Prices as a Precursor to Market Crash Reviewed
Jun-ichi Maskawa
Progres, of Theoretical Physics Supplement ( 194 ) 1 - 10 2012
Stock Price process and long memory in trade signs Reviewed
Koji Kuroda, Jun-ichi Maskawa, Murai Joshin
Advances in Mathematical Economics 14 69 - 92 2010
Large Correlations and the Principal Components in Stock Markets Reviewed
Jun-ichi Maskawa, Wataru Souma and Kensuke Fukuda
Proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Complex System Conference 7 - 11 2009
Stock price fluctuations and the mimetic behaviors of traders Reviewed
Jun-ichi Maskawa
Physica A ( 382 ) 172 - 178 2007
Correlation of coming limit price with order book in stock markets Reviewed
Jun-ichi Maskawa
Physica A ( 383 ) 90 - 95 2007
Ordered phase and non-equilibrium fluctuation in stock market Reviewed
Jun-ichi Maskawa
Physica A ( 311 ) 563 - 570 2002
株価変動の現象論的統計力学モデル Reviewed
増川 純一
シミュレーション 21 ( 2 ) 92 - 95 2002
Theory and numerical calculation of pattern formation in shrinking gels Reviewed
Jun-ichi Maskawa
Journal of Chemical Physics ( 110 ) 10993 - 10999 1999
黒田耕嗣、増川純一、村井浄信( Role: Joint author , 第2章、第5章、第6章、付録一部)
日本評論社 2021.4 ( ISBN:978-4-535-78905-0 )
増川 純一( Role: Joint author)
培風館 2011